Another useless piece of paper, for an already flammable apartment

Hi everyone! Check out this blog, reallifetwentysomething which I also write for. This is my debut post 🙂


Jessica M

It was suggested for my first “Real Life Twenty Something” blog entry, I write-up an extension of my previous background post to better explain myself and where I am today.

So where am I today? Today, I am at what should be my dream job, doing dream work, and making a different in college student’s lives. What am I really doing? Staring a computer screen, slowly wearing a groove in my desk from where my elbow sits while I rest my head in my chin, paying my gas bill.

Lets backtrack. I received a BA in English – literature in 2009. I had high hopes of doing…. anything. Really there was no life plan for me graduating out of college, I just liked to read. So like many other people my age, I spent the summer looking for work and settled with the first full-time job I could find, being…

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